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Mediation can help taxpayers settle tax issues

Tax Tip 2024-59

Mediation – also known as Alternative Dispute Resolution – can help taxpayers resolve tax issues early and efficiently.

The process provides taxpayers a faster, more collaborative and cost-effective approach to case resolution. The traditional appeal process is still available for taxpayers who choose it.

Mediation might be right for a taxpayer if:

• The taxpayer wants to resolve the dispute at the earliest possible stage of their audit.

• The taxpayer doesn’t have many disputed issues.

• The taxpayer gave the IRS information to support their position.

• The IRS is still considering the taxpayer’s case and issues remain unresolved.

Mediation is:

• Voluntary for both parties.

• Nonbinding, meaning each party retains 100% control over whether to settle the case. No one can force either party to do something they don’t agree to do.

• Effective when both parties have a desire to resolve the disputed issue.

• Appropriate when all issues are fully resolved except the issue for which mediation is requested.

• A chance to avoid a lengthy appeal process or costly litigation.

Mediation is not:

• Required by either party.

• A replacement for the audit or collection process.

• A process in which the parties in the dispute offer arguments directly to the mediator hoping to “win.”

• Effective if either party believes the only way the dispute will get resolved is if the other party concedes or gives up on its position.

• A time to present new information or raise new issues.

• An opportunity to try and get a more favorable outcome or delay the examination or collection process.

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